Physician Recruitment and Healthcare Consulting


We are a deeply experienced firm dedicated to physician recruitment and healthcare consulting. Our clients range from small, rural communities to community-based teaching hospitals whose practices include employed and fee-for-service practices.

If you are looking for a particular specialty or geographic area, or if you are recruiting, we know how to help you.



If you are a doctor, you will see that we actually understand what you are interested in when you call for information about a practice and we have the details so you can make a preliminary decision as to whether you want to proceed with pursuing the practice opportunity.

If you are an organization seeking physicians, you will see from the questions we ask that our experience and knowledge of the field represents more than 15 years in the business of physician recruiting. What's more, we are not not pushy, egotistical or arrogant. We simply understand what you want and we understand how to go about doing it.


See our current list of positions available.

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